Philippe Moenne-Loccoz

Limites... il se passe toujours quelque chose

CD mg02 Collectif & Cie 2000

PASSING ALL BOUNDS because something new is always going on
All bounds are set marking and limiting the field of creation with too many indications...

I have to break a new way ! The concept of chaos is always present on my mind as a possibility of inventing resistance for a creative survival.

I want to capture moments of life,make transcriptions of sounds and cries and give expression to thoughts and inner feelings...

Passing all bounds out of the field of language,far from every mark, I want to get into action, I want to roar, I don’t want to loose my musical mind... Something new is always going on,here and there, I hear it, I want to know and tell,I want to resist and cry, I refuse inaction... I ’d like to discover light inside sound, I ’m craving for moments of happiness folowing nicely done musical mixes, I ’m searching new ways to an open state which I ’ll rush into,into rapture and greediness.

I want to overstep common sense,I want to get out of the beaten track, I hate musical mannerisms and conventions so much...

The music in «Limites » is the result of works based on human voice,,which is for me a source of life and the gate to unlimited sound research...


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